Carlos Mota is founder of HMS Consulting, a Mexican Consulting firm in Organizational Transformation. His focus is Transcendent Evolution, a human centered process of interaction and work that allows individuals and teams to discover, choose and act in concert, integrating their Being, their Doing and their Transcending.
His work include global and local corporations, government and social institutions and communities in Mexico and abroad. His expertise include disciplines such as Participative Processes of Meaningful Conversation, Visionary Planning, Complexity, Self Organization, Scenario Planning, Organizational Learning and Systems Dynamics.
The core of Carlos´s work over the last 10 years, has been designing, facilitating and advising organizations in creating enabling conditions for Dialogue as a key driving force for transformation. He is a World Café pioneer in Mexico and other countries, with wide experience in facilitating dialogue in groups from 12 to over 900 individuals. Some of his relevant work in this domain includes dialogue processes in Congress, rural areas, schools and nonprofit organizations.
He has developed evolving models of transformation, applying them in real life environments in a wide range of institutions and organizations.
Experiences and Clients
Some of the institutions and organization that have benefited from his work are the mexican government and public sector, multinational and large Mexican firms such as Citibank/Banamex, Procter and Gamble, Pemex, BBVA/Bancomer Bank, Warner Lambert, Ford Motor Company, Pfizer, AT&T, GSK, and other medium and small organizations. Non-for-profit clients include the Lasalle Brothers, Indesol (Social Development Institute) and Fundacion Merced, a leading institution that funds relevant projects of social transformation in Mexico, among others.
His former experience include positions such as General Management, Strategic Planning, Marketing Management and in organizations such as Warner Lambert en the U.S., Latin America and South East Asia, as well as Alfa Industrial Group, and Zano Alimentos in Mexico.
Member of Society for Organizational Learning (SOL) Mexico, InterClass (a business knowledge community).
Carlos is an Allied Member and trained consultant of GBN (Global Business Network) in Mexico, an international authority in Scenario Planning and has been Scenario based Strategic Planning professor at Universidad Iberoamericana.
He is member of the Wisdom Board of Margareth Wheatley´s Berkana Institute, aimed to support life affirming leaders around the world.
He is member of the World Café Pioneers along with Juanita Brown, David Issacs and others. He has extensive experience in designing, convening, conducting and facilitating strategic world café dialogue conversations with groups as small as a dozen individuals up to 900.
He holds an MBA (Master in Business Administration) from Stanford University at Palo Alto, California, U.S. He graduated in Business Administration with honors from Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico City. He has studied Systems Dynamics at IMT with John Sterman.
Member of the Mexican Foundation for Government Innovation and member of the Academic Board of Universidad Marista.